Owner & Principal Designer

Melinda is an educated designer and a member of ASID. Her mantra is simple: the true success of a project can only be achieved when the passion of the team is evidenced by an intense attention to detail and impeccable customer service. Her company aligns itself with some of the most prestigious building and architectural firms in the industry that share this philosophy.

Her warm, soulful approach to understanding her clients is counterbalanced by a serious and intense development of the interior design program. Melinda’s thirst for learning about architecture, art and culture comes full circle back to her work.

Melinda resides in Massachusetts and is married to a Judge in Tennessee. Thirty years of a beautiful marriage have resulted in four, amazing adults with budding passions of their own. Their work ethic, empathy and true “Southern manners” leave Melinda and her husband feeling a sense of pride that extends far beyond anything their professional careers will ever deliver.

Learn about our process here.

“The amazing reality of being an interior designer is that each project is so very different. No two clients are alike, no two projects are alike and every single detail matters. It is a thrill to be hired, and it is a thrill to install. Experiencing our client’s joy is addicting. Their happiness becomes a testament to the hard work and dedication we’ve poured into the collaboration with them.”

~Melinda Headrick

Oftentimes, MHI is hired and asked to assemble a team for the project. Based on factors such as style, budget, scheduling and expertise, introductions are made. Other times, we join a team already established by the client, builder or architect. Once officially hired, Melinda dives in working as an interior architect so to speak to assure that the project is fully designed from the inside out.

Working from AutoCad plans, she oversees the spacial placement of all furnishings and foot traffic layouts, and offers suggestions for optimal functionality. She works with the client on all furnishings and finish selections. From there, her team builds a complete FF&E (furniture, fixture and equipment) package and offers a full set of drawings, elevations and schedules for the builder.

Her hands on approach throughout the life of the project leaves an indelible mark towards the success of the team.

Learn about our process here.